
Manners Year 10 – PDF Link


Amir-ul-Momineen–asws (our 1st Imam) recommended the following[1]:

  1. Washing hands before and after eating increases ‘rizk’ (sustenance).
  2. One should not puff in prostration of the ritual prayers, nor in the food, the drink or on an amulet (Taweez).
  3. Begin and end with salt in every meal. If people realise the benefits of salt, they will prefer it to the medicine. Allah-azwj will save him who begins and ends with salt in every meal from seventy diseases, which are unknown to others except Allah-azwj.
  4. When you sit down to have a meal, you should sit like slaves and eat on the floor.
  5. The Prophets-as used to have dinner even late at night. Hence, you should not skip dinner. Otherwise, your bodies will become unhealthy.
  6. Eat the food crumbs which fall on the food-spread, as these are cures of every illness, by Allah-azwj’s permission, for those who seek a cure.
  7. Whenever one licks his fingers after finishing food, Allah-azwj Says: “Blessings be on you.”
  8. Do not start eating hot food until it has cooled down (becomes eatable), as the Holy Prophet-saww said: “Allah-azwj will not Approve of eating hot food when He-azwj Placed the blessings and advantages in the cooled (eatable) food.”
  9. Mention Allah-azwj very much during eating food. Do not talk while eating, as it is one of Allah-azwj’s Graces and ‘Rizk’ (Sustenance) for which you should thank and praise Him-azwj.


Allah-azwj Says: …..We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (21:30)

Our 1st Imam (Amir-ul-Momineen Ali-asws ibn abi Talib-asws) said:

‘Water is the chief of drinks both in this world as well as in the Hereafter.[2]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “If one enjoys and appreciates the taste of water in this world, Allah-azwj will Give him water in Jannah (Paradise).”[3]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) narrates that the Prophet of Allah-saww said: “Drink water in a sipping manner but do not gulp and pour it down at once; it may cause liver illness.”[4]  He-saww also had said: “Drinking water in three breaths is better than in one breath.”[5]

Imam Musa-e-Kazim-asws (our 7th Imam) said: “I wonder about the one who eats ‘a lot’ but does not drink any water on it, how is it that his stomach does not burst.”[6] The Imam-asws also said: “Drinking cold water is more delicious.”[7]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “Do not drink water excessively. It is the substance of every illness.”[8]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) also said: “During the day drinking water when standing makes the food more pleasant; but drinking water during the night when standing causes illness.”[9] The Imam-asws also said: “It is not proper to drink water from a silver or gold bowl.”[10]

Our 1st Imam (Amir-ul-Momineen Ali-asws ibn abi Talib-asws) said: ‘Do not drink water from a broken part of a cup or from its handle because Satan sits on the broken part and on its handle.’[11]

What to recite when drinking water?

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said:

  1. If one of you drinks water and says ‘بِسْمِ اللَّهِ’ (Bismillah) and
  2. then drinks, then stops and says ‘الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ’ (al-hamdo lillah) and
  3. then before drinks and says ‘بِسْمِ اللَّهِ’ and
  4. then says (after drinking) ‘الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ’ and then stops and
  5. says ‘بِسْمِ اللَّهِ’ before drinking
  6. and after drinking says ‘الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ’
  7. After this water keeps on saying ‘Tasbeh’ (repeating what you had recited) in your stomach until it leaves your body.[12]

The Imam-asws also said:  When you like to drink water during the night, move the water and recite: “O water, Water of Zamzam and Furat are sending ‘السَّلَامَ’ (Salam) on you.”[13]

Crying for Imam Hussain-asws when drinking water:

Dawood Al-Riqqiy says: I was with my 6th Imam (Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq-asws) when he asked for water and when he drank water, I saw him weeping and tears came out of his eyes. He said to me, ‘May Allah-azwj condemn those who assassinated Al-Hussain-asws. Whoever of the believers when drinking water, remembers Al-Hussain-asws and his-asws family and condemns his-asws killers, Allah-azwj Writes for him one hundred thousand good deeds and Deletes one hundred thousand of his bad deeds, raises his position one hundred thousand levels and it is as if he has set free one hundred thousand slaves. Allah-azwj will Raise him with his heart filled with comfort and peace of mind.[14]

Those who drink like Camels:

It was asked from our 6th Imam-asws about that person who likes to drink water in one breath until he is satisfied. Imam-asws asked: “Is the pleasure of taste everything for him?”  He replied: “But people say that it is the way of a thirsty camel would drink.”  Imam-asws said: “They have spoken a lie. Thirsty camels’ way of drinking is when the name of Allah-azwj is not mentioned.”[15]

Prophet Mohammed-saww has prohibited seeking cure from the hot fountains, which are in mountains in which the smell of sulphur is found, as it has the smell of hell.[16]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said:Hail is not edible because Allah-azwj has said: With it (hail) He Causes whomever He Wants to suffer. (13:13)”

Cure in the Rain water, Zamzam and Furat (Euphrates)

There are several Ahadith of Masomeen-asws about the excellence of Water of Furat, water of Zamzam and rain water.[17]


(Teacher may help) Prepare a “Do and Don’t” list of knowledge about food and drinks presented in the Ahadith of Masomeen-asws along with the reasons given in the Ahadith why to/to not do.


Our 8th Imam (Imam Musa al-Reza-asws) said: Of the signs of one’s intelligence is to strive hard, (attain) knowledge and (mostly observe) silence.  Silence is one of the doors of wisdom. Silence earns love and it, certainly, is the guide to all-good.[18]

Our first Imam (Amir-ul-Momineen Ali-asws Ibn Abi Talib) said to his companion: ‘O Hisham, for everything there is a guide. The guide for ‘Aql’ (Intelligence/wisdom) is the ‘Taffakur’ (deep thinking). The guide for thinking is silence. For everything, there is a means of mobility. The means of mobility for ‘Aql’ is humble attitude. To disobey a prohibition (of Allah-azwj) is enough proof of one’s ignorance’.[19]

Amir-ul-Momineen-asws describes a ‘Momin’ as this: He does not speak without correctness and does not dress unless it is economical. He walks humbly, is submissive before his Lord-azwj in obedience and is happy with Him-azwj in all conditions. His intention is pure and sincere. His deeds are free of fraud and deceit. His observations are good lessons, his silence is thoughtful and his words are wisdom. He is advising, charitable and brotherly.[20]

Our 7th Imam (Imam Musa e Kazim-asws) was asked by a companion for a piece of advice, and the Imam-asws replied: “Control your tongue and you will be respected and do not allow people to lead you to humiliation.”[21]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “Prophet Isa-as (Jesus-as) would say: ‘Do not speak a great deal regarding things other than speaking of Allah-azwj. Those who speak a lot in matters other than mentioning Allah-azwj become hard-hearted, without realising it.’”[22]


Teacher should explain with easy examples the meanings of silence, that is to not talk about ‘useless’ things occurring around us and just say what one has to say and try to mention Allah-azwj as prescribed by Masomeen-asws in their Ahadith.


Our beloved Prophet of Allah-saww has said: ‘A man follows the religion of his friend and associates.’[23] (Note: be careful of the company of friends you choose!)

The Rasool Allah-saww (Prophet Mohammed-saww) has also said: ‘Three things purify a Muslim’s love for his brother (in Eman, belief): Meeting him in a cheerful manner, preparing for him a seat if he wants to sit down in a gathering, and calling him by his names that he loves the most.’[24]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘If you like one of your brothers (in Eman), tell him about it. (Prophet) Ibrahim-as said: “O Lord, show me how do You bring the dead back to life?” The Lord asked, “Do you not believe it?” He said: ‘Yes, I firmly believe, but it is to comfort my heart (2:260).’[25]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘A person who is closer to Allah-azwj and His Rasool-saww is the one who initiates the offering of ‘Salam’.’”[26]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘If one begins speaking before saying ‘Salam’, do not speak to him.’[27]

Offering Salam is Mustahib, but replying is Wajib:

Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from al-Nawfali from al-Sakuni who has narrated the following from abu Abd Allah-asws:

Rasool Allah-saww has said: “Offering the ‘Salam’[28] is voluntary, but answering it is mandatory.”[29]

Salam Means to Enter into the Wilayah of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) was asked about the words of Allah-azwj: And if they incline to Salam, then incline to it and trust in Allah; surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing. (8:61) The narrator asked the Imam-asws: “what is the meaning of ‘Al-Salam’”?  The Imam-asws replied: “It is the invitation to enter into our ‘Amr’ (the Divine Authority; Our-asws Wilayah).”[30]

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) was asked about the words of Allah-azwj: O you who believe! Enter into ‘Islam’ whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy (2:208).  The Imam-asws said: “It means submit yourself to our-asws ‘Wilayah’ (our-asws Divine Authority).”[31]

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) said: “Allah-azwj Loves the offering of ‘Salam’ (to be offered) openly, loud and clearly.”[32]

Situations When Salam Should not be Offered:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws): would say: “Three kinds of people are not supposed to be offered ‘Salam’: one walking in funeral procession, one walking to attend Friday prayer and the one in the wash-room.”[33]

One should not humiliate himself by Saying ‘Salam’ to Everyone:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “It is of humility to offer ‘Salam’ the greeting of peace to whomever you come across.”[34]

Shaking Hands, Hugging and Saying Goodbye:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “The completion of ‘Salam’ for one at home is to shake hands and for one on a journey it is to hold him in one’s arms (Musafa).”[35]

Who Should Say Salam First:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “The younger ones offer ‘Salam’ to the elders, passer-by to those who are stationary and fewer people to those of a larger number.”[36] The 6th Imam-asws also said: “If two groups attend the same meeting, the group entering last should offer ‘Salam’ to those who are already there.”[37]

One Person’s Salam or Reply is Sufficient on behalf of a Group:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “If one person from a group passing by another group offers the ‘Salam’ it is sufficient for all and so it is also for an answer if only one person from the stationary group responds.”[38]

Offering Salam to Ladies:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: “Rasool Allah-saww would offer ‘Salam’ to women and they would respond to him. Amir-ul-Momineen-asws would offer ‘Salam’ to women but he-asws would not recommend it, offering it, to the young women. He-asws would say: ‘It is due to the fact their voice may attract one and a feeling may cause him more harm than the reward for offering the ‘Salam’.’”[39]

Greetings with Non-Muslims:

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) said: “Once, a Jewish person went in the presence of the Rasool Allah-saww while ‘Aishah (the Prophet-saww’s wife) was with him-saww. The Jewish person said: ‘al-Sam ‘Alaykum’ instead of ‘al-Salamun ‘Alaykum.’ The Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Alaykum’. Then another Jewish person came and said the same thing as the one before and the Rasool Allah-saww responded just as before. Then a third Jewish person came. He also said what the other two had said before and the Rasool Allah-saww responded just as that to the other two before.  ‘A’ishah became angry and said, ‘Alaykum aI-Sam (wrath and condemnation) O Jewish group, brothers of monkeys and swine.’ The Rasool Allah-saww said to her: ‘O ‘A’ishah, if name-calling were to appear with a shape and form it would have a very evil shape. Wherever gentleness is placed it beautifies it and removing it is only to make it despised.’ A’ishah then asked: ‘O Rasool Allah-saww, did you not hear their words: ‘al-Sam ‘Alaykum’. The Rasool Allah-saww replied: ‘I heard them but did you not note what I said? I said, ‘Alaykum’, Whenever a Muslim offers you the ‘Salam’ say, ‘Salamun ‘Alaykum,’ but when a non-Muslim says something in their manners, just say, ‘Alaykum’, meaning the same to you.’”[40]

‘Amir-ul-Momineen-asws has said: “Try not take an initiative to say ‘Salam’ to people of the Book (Christian/Jews), but if they offered (‘Salam’) just say:         وَ عَلَيْكُمْ (wa ‘Alaykum- the same to you).”[41]

How to Pray for a Jew or a Christian?

Imam Ali Reza-asws said: ‘It was asked from abu Abd Allah-asws: ‘How do I pray for a Jew or a Christian?’ The Imam-asws answered: لَهُ بَارَكَ اللَّهُ لَكَ فِي الدُّنْيَا (Say: ‘May Allah-azwj Grant you blessing in this world).’[42]

‘Once I asked 6th Imam-asws: ‘What should I do if I meet a tax paying non-Muslim and he shakes my hand?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Wipe it with soil or against a wall.’ I asked: ‘What about one who is abusive of ‘Aimmah-asws!’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Wash it (your hand).’[43]


Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘Do not be a spy against people or you will remain without friends.’[44]


How to Know the Opinion of Others about Yourself?

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘Look in your heart, if it dislikes your friend, one of you has done something (inappropriate).’[45]

‘I heard a man asking Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws that a man says he likes me. How can I know if he is a real trustworthy friend?  The Imam-asws said: ‘Test your own heart. If you like him, he also likes you.’[46]


Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘The Holy Prophet-saww would sit with three postures: al-Qurfusa’ – In this posture both knees are up and one holds them with both arms and hands around them; folding both legs backwards so one can sit on them; and one leg folded and the other spread over the folded one. He-saww was never seen sitting with his-saww legs squared.’[47]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Whoever feels content with a seat without formalities in a gathering, Allah-azwj and His-asws angels continue doing and asking favours for him until he leaves the gathering.’[48]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Rasool Allah-saww most of the time would sit facing the direction of Qiblah (Ka’bah).’[49]

The Sitting Distance between Two People:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘In a gathering during summer the distance between two people should be an elbow’s length (about eighteen inches) so that no difficulty is caused to any of them.’[50]

One Should not be Sitting in a Leaning Posture in Masjid:

‘Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘Sitting in the Masjid in a leaning posture is the monkish practice of the Arabs. The gathering place of believing people is the Masjid, and their worship place is their home.’[51]


Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws asked his companion: ‘How is your sense of humour for each other?’ He said, ‘It is very little.’ The Imam-asws said, ‘Do not do so. Telling amusing stories is of delightful moral discipline. You can bring joy to your brother (in belief). The Rasool Allah-saww would tell interesting stories (based on historical facts) to bring cheerful feelings to a man.’[52]

A Believer does not laugh but only Smiles:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘The laughing of a believing person is smiling.’[53]

The 6th Imam-asws also said: ‘Much laughing deadens the heart. He-asws has also said: ‘Much laughing melts one’s religion just as water melts salt.’[54]

Beware of Jokes:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Beware of jokes; it takes away the dignity of one’s face.’[55]

The 6th Imam-asws also said: ‘Laughing loudly is from Satan.’[56]


‘The Rasool Allah-saww asked to announce in the Masjid, ‘One from whose hands his neighbours are not safe has no belief and faith.’ It was announced three times, and he-saww then pointed out that each of the forty houses in front back, right and left are neighbours.’[57]

A Hadith narrator says: ‘I have read in the book of Ali-asws that Rasool Allah-saww wrote: ‘The neighbour is like one’s soul that cannot be harmed or made to sin.  The respect for the neighbour is like the respect for one’s mother.’[58]

Our 6th Imam-asws also said ‘Maintaining good neighbourly relations increases one’s sustenance.’[59]


Our 6th Imam-asws said ‘In dealing with people if you can maintain an upper hand, you should do so.’[60]

Our 6th Imam-asws also said ‘Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘It is of the rights of a traveller on his companions to look after him for three days if he gets ill.’[61]

‘Once, Amir-ul-Momineen-asws, accompanied a taxpaying non-Muslim. The taxpaying non-Muslim asked: ‘Where (do) you want to go, O servant of Allah-azwj?’ Amir-ul-Momineen-asws said: ‘I want to go to al-Kufah.’ (When it came to the point where) the taxpayer’s road changed, Amir-ul-Momineen-asws, kept on walking along with him. He asked: ‘Did you not say that you wanted to go to al-Kufah?’ Amir-ul-Momineen-asws said: ‘Yes, that is true.’ The non-Muslim taxpayer said: ‘You have missed the road to al-Kufah.’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Yes, I know that.’ The non-Muslim asked: ‘Why are you then coming with me when you know the road?’ Amir-ul-Momineen-asws said, ‘This is to observe a part of the companionship rights, that is, escorting one gently on their departing each other. This is what our Holy Prophet-saww has instructed us with.’ The non-Muslim asked: ‘Has he-saww said that?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Yes, that is what he has said.’ The non-Muslim said: ‘It is true that whoever followed him-saww did so because of his noble deeds. I testify that your religion is just.’ The non-Muslim came back along with Amir-ul-Momineen-asws and upon getting Ali-asws‘s ‘Maurifat’ (attributes) he embraced Islam.’[62]

Prophet Mohammed-saww’s Social Manners:

‘The Rasool Allah-saww would look towards every one of his companions in equal proportions of time. He-saww would look to this and then to that person. The Rasool Allah-saww was never seen stretching his legs in a gathering of his companions. When he-saww would shake hands, with a person, the Rasool Allah-saww would not pull his hand back before the other man. When they noticed it thereafter a man shaking hand with him would pull his hand away quickly.’[63]

Calling Brethren by his Kunyah and Establishing Friendship:

Our 7th Imam-asws (Imam Musa e Kazim-asws) said: ‘When a man is present, call him by his Kunyah (father of so and so) and in his absence call him by his name.’[64]

Our 6th Imam-asws said: ‘Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘Whoever loves his Muslim brother should ask what his name, the name of his father, his tribe and family is. It is of necessary rights and truthful brotherhood (friendship) to ask such questions: otherwise, it is a foolish recognition.’[65]

Rasool Allah-saww one day said it is inappropriate if: A friend prepares food for another friend but he fails to keep his promise and does not turn up for food. And, if one of you meets a man and wants to know who he is but fails to acquire such information and he departs the man.

‘In another Hadith it is said that Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘The weakest of all is one who meets a man and is impressed by him but does not ask his name, his relationships or where he lives.’[66]

Our 6th Imam-asws said has said: ‘Do not trust your brother (friend) in totality; a sudden fall of attachment is never repairable.’[67]

How to Find Loyal Friends:

Our 6th Imam-asws also said has said: ‘Try your brothers (friends) in two things that if not found then keep away from them, keep away, keep away from them. The two qualities are the preservation of their prayers on time and kindness to their brethren in good and bad times.’[68]

Etiquettes of Correspondence:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘To maintain contact with friends in the town is by visiting, on a journey and out of town by correspondence.’[69]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws also said: ‘It is necessary to reply to a letter just as it is necessary to answer ‘Salam’. The initiator of a ‘Salam’ is closer to Allah-azwj and His Rasool-saww.’[70]

Instruction on Writing Letters:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Do not ignore the expression:

 ‘بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ’  (‘In the name of Allah-azwj’), even if it is followed by a poem.’[71]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws ordered to write a letter about an issue. The letter was written and was shown to him and there was no exception (Insha-Allah, Allah-azwj Willing) in it. The Imam-asws said: ‘How can you expect that this may be completed without exception (that is, if Allah-azwj so wills)? Look into it and write down exceptions whenever needed.’[72]

Wash but Do not Burn Papers with Sacred Names:

The Hadith narrator says once I asked Musa e Kazim-asws (7th Imam-asws) about the papers that accumulate if they can be burned in which names of Allah-azwj may also be found. The Imam-asws said: ‘No, those must not be burned instead, first they should be washed with water.’[73]

‘Once Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws was asked about a name of the names of Allah-azwj that a man tries to delete with his saliva. The Imam-asws said: ‘It should be deleted with the cleanest thing that you can find.’[74]

Prophet Mohammed-saww has said: ‘You may delete (writing of) the book of Allah-azwj and the words mentioning Him-azwj with the cleanest thing that you can find.’ He-asws prohibited the burning of the book of Allah-azwj and to delete it with a pen.’[75]

Say to Others what You Like for Yourself:

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) said: About the words of Allah-azwj: ‘Speak righteous words to people (2:83) that it means say to people the best of that which you love to be said about yourself.’[76]

Extending Brotherhood to Brethren:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) has said: ‘The believers are but brothers, sons of one father and mother (in the original creation). If one of them may have a distressed vein, others will remain awake all night because of his pain.’[77]

 ‘Once I became depressed in the presence of Abu Jafar-asws and asked him: ‘May Allah-azwj keep my soul in service for your cause, why is it that sometimes I feel depressed without any apparent cause or incident? Even my family and friends notice it on my face.’ The Imam-asws said, ‘Yes O Jabir, Allah-azwj has Created the clay of the believers from the clay of paradise and has made the fragrance of His-azwj Spirit flow through it; thus, a believer is a brother (in belief) of a believer from his father and mother. When a spirit of those spirits is distressed anywhere with a sadness, the other spirits also feel sad; this is from that (clay of paradise).’[78]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘The believer is a brother (in belief) of a believer, his eyes and his guide. He does not violate his trust, does not do injustice to him, or deceive him, and does not promise him only to ignore it later on.’[79]

A Believer Jinn Saves the Lives of Momins:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘Once a few Muslims set on a journey but they lost the way and faced severe thirst. They shrouded themselves holding to the roots of a tree. Suddenly an old man in white clothes appeared and told them to get up saying that they had no problems and gave them water. They drank water to their satisfaction and asked him: ‘Who are you?’ He said: ‘I am from the jinn who pledged allegiance to Rasool Allah-saww.’ I heard Rasool Allah-saww saying: ‘A believer is a brother of a believer, his eyes and his guide. How could you lose your lives in my presence.’[80]

One Has to Recognise a Momin:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘You have not become brothers on the basis of this belief (of Shia Muslims) but you have recognised each other because of it.’[81]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) also said: ‘You have not become brothers on the basis of this matter (our-asws Wilayahh); it is only that you have recognised each other by means of Wilayahh.’[82]


Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) said: ‘Of the rights of the believer on his believing brother (in belief) is to satisfy his hunger, provide covering for his privacy, facilitate his hardships and payoff his debts. When he dies, look after his family and children.’[83]

The narrator says once I asked the 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws): ‘What are the rights of the Muslim on the Muslim?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘He has seven categories of rights that are obligatory, each of which is compulsory. If he jeopardises a single one of them he is out of the domain of guardianship (Wilayahh) of Allah-azwj and obedience to Him-azwj. There will be no share for Allah-azwj in him.’ I then said: ‘May Allah-azwj keep my soul in service for your cause, what are these rights?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘O Mu’alla, I am afraid you may jeopardise them and may not protect them. You learn them but do not act up on them.’ I (the narrator) then said: ‘There is no power without the power of Allah-azwj.’

The Imam-asws said:

  1. ‘Of those rights the easiest to fulfil is to love for him what you love for yourself and dislike for him what you dislike for yourself.
  2. The second right is to avoid (stirring) his anger, follow his wishes and obey his commands.
  3. The third right is to support him with your soul, property, tongue, hands and legs.
  4. The fourth right is to be his eyes, his guide and his mirror.
  5. The fifth right is that you must not be satisfied with food while he is hungry, with drinks while he is thirsty, and that you dress up in good clothes while he does not have any clothes.
  6. The sixth right is not to allow yourself to have a servant while your brother in belief does not have any servant. It then is necessary to send your servant to wash his clothes, prepare food and his bed for him.


  1. The seventh right is to keep his share handsomely, accept his invitations, visit him when he is ill, attend his funeral and if he needs something, initiate to fulfil it and do not delay until he asks you for help. You must hurry quickly and when you do so you have connected your guardianship with his guardianship and vice versa.’[84]

‘Once I said to Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws: ‘May Allah-azwj keep my soul in service for your cause, there is a great number of Shia in our area. The Imam-asws asked: ‘Are their rich ones kind to their poor ones? Do their virtuous ones forgive their sinful ones? Do they assist each other financially?’ I said: ‘No, they do not do so.’ The Imam-asws said: ‘They are not Shia.  (Our) shia are those who do these things.’[85]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws would say: ‘Dignify your people, honour them and do not be aggressive toward each other, do not harm each other and do not be jealous of each other. You must never be miserly and always be sincere servants of Allah-azwj.’[86]

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) once asked me: ‘Do your brother (in belief) come to you, stretch his hand in your pocket and take what he needs and you do not push him aside?’ I replied: ‘I am unaware of such things happening among us.’ Abu Jafar-asws then said: ‘There is nothing then.’ I said: ‘It is destruction then?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘The people have not yet received their power of reason.’[87]

One Must Inform his Brethren before Going on Journey:

Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘It is a right upon a Muslim to inform his brothers (in belief) of his decision to go on a journey. It is a right upon his Muslim brothers to visit him when he returns from the journey.’[88]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said to his companions: ‘Be pious before Allah-azwj and be virtuous brothers who love each other for the sake of Allah-azwj, and maintain good relations leniently, Visit one another, meet and speak of our cause and preserve it.’[89]

Visiting Brothers in Eman:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Whoever visits his brother (in belief) for the sake of Allah-azwj and for no other reason, seeking thereby the promise of Allah-azwj, and to achieve what is with Allah-azwj, Allah-azwj will appoint seventy thousand angels who applaud: ‘How beautiful is what you have done and how beautiful is paradise (for you).’[90]

 ‘Once I went to see abu Jafar-asws to say farewell. He-asws said: ‘O Khaythamah, convey our ‘Salam’ to whoever of our followers you may see and advise them to be pious before Allah-azwj, that their rich ones look after their poor ones, the stronger ones look after their weaker ones, that the living attend the funeral of those who have just died, that they must meet each other in their homes; their meeting as such is life for our-asws cause. May Allah-azwj bless the man who preserves our-asws cause. O Khaythamah, inform our followers that we cannot make them independent of Allah-azwj in anything without good deeds and that they will not benefit from our ‘Wilayah without (al-Wari’) refraining from worldly attractions (sins). Of the people who regret on the Day of Judgment, most intensely will be the ones who describe justice but do not practice it (explain the right belief but do not establish one).’[91]

The Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘Jibril spoke to me that Allah-azwj Sent an angel to earth and the angel began walking until he came to a door where a man was asking for permission from the people of the house. The angel asked him: ‘What do you need from the owner of this house?’ He replied: ‘He is a Muslim brother (in belief), I have come to visit him for the sake of Allah-azwj.’ The angel then asked: ‘Is that the only reason for your visit?’ The man said, ‘Nothing else has brought me here but that.’ The angel then said: ‘I am the Messenger of Allah-azwj to you and He-azwj Sends you the ‘Salam’ and says: ‘I-azwj have Made paradise obligatory for you.’ The angel then said: ‘Allah-azwj says: ‘Whoever of the Muslims visits another Muslim, in fact, has not visited him but he has visited Me-azwj and his reward from Me-azwj is paradise.’[92]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Whoever visits his brother (in belief) for the sake of Allah-azwj, Allah-azwj then Says: ‘You in fact, have visited Me-azwj and with Me-azwj is your reward and I-azwj will not accept anything for your reward except paradise.’[93]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘If one visits his brother (in belief) for the sake of Allah-azwj, in his illness or in good health, not to deceive or to receive something, Allah-azwj will Appoint seventy thousand angels to applaud behind him, (who would say) ‘How beautiful is your deed! How beautiful is paradise for you! You are the visitor of Allah-azwj and the delegate to the Most Beneficent one.’ This happens until he comes home.’

Yusayr then asked: ‘May Allah keep my soul in service for your-asws cause, is it so even if the place of visitation is far away?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘Yes, O Yusayr, even if the place of visitation is at a distance of one year’s journey; Allah-azwj is generous and the angles are a great many. They escort him until he reaches his home.’[94]

Rewards of Shaking Hands with Believers:

‘Ubaydah has said: ‘Once I was accompanying Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws on a journey. During the journey, first I would take my seat in the carriage set-up on the back of the carry animal and then he-asws would take his-asws seat. He-asws, after settling down on his-asws place properly would offer me the ‘Salam’ and ask a question like a person who has never met the other person. He-asws would also shake hands.’ The narrator has said: ‘He-asws after dismounting would do so before me and after finding our places on the ground he-asws would offer the ‘Salam’ and ask questions like he-asws had never met me.’

I then said: ‘O descendent of Rasool Allah-saww, you do things that no one has act like this before. Doing (such formalities) only once is more than enough.’ The Imam-asws asked: ‘Do you know what is in a handshake? The believers meet and shake hands, the sins continue falling-off of them just like leaves fall off the trees, and Allah-azwj Looks upon them until they depart from each other.’[95]

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) said: ‘When the believing people meet and shake hands Allah-azwj Inserts His hand between their hands and shakes hands with the one whose love for his brother (in belief) is more intense.’[96]

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) also said: ‘When two believing people meet and shake hands Allah-azwj Inserts His-azwj hand between their hands and faces the one whose love for his brother (in belief) is more intense. When Allah-azwj Turns His face to them their sins begin to fall like leaves from trees.’[97]

Our 5th Imam (Imam Mohammed Baqir-asws) said: ‘When two believing people meet and shake hands Allah-azwj Turns His face (direction, aspect) to them and sins began to fall from them like leaves fall from trees.’[98]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘When shaking hands with people, Rasool Allah-saww had never been the first to discontinue the handshake.’[99]

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) also said: ‘Do shake hands, it removes jealousy.’[100]

‘I heard Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws saying: ‘A hand-shake of believing people is better than a handshake of angels.’[101]

‘The Rasool Allah-saww has said: ‘Whenever you meet, you should offer the ‘Salam’ and shake hands and depart each other with a plea to Allah-azwj for forgiveness ‘فَتَفَرَّقُوا بِالِاسْتِغْفَارِ’.’[102]


Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘In you there is a light by which you are identified in this world. It is as such that even when one of you meets his brother (in belief) he kisses him at the place of light in his forehead.’[103]

Hands of only a Prophet or His Successor are Kissed:

‘Once I went to see Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws and I held and kissed his hand and the Imam-asws said: ‘This is only for the Holy Prophet-saww or his successor-asws.’[104]

‘Once I went to see Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws and I asked, ‘Can I kiss your hand, please?’ The Imam-asws agreed and I kissed his hand. I then asked, ‘May Allah-azwj keep my soul in service for your cause, can I kiss your head, please?’ The Imam-asws agreed and I kissed his head. Then I asked, ‘Can I kiss your feet, please?’ The Imam-asws said: ‘You had vowed, you had vowed, you had vowed, (said) three (time) and one remains, one remains, and one remains (repeated three times)[105].’[106]

Imam Musa e Kazim-asws said: ‘Whoever of the relatives kisses a relative out of compassion he has not committed any offense. A brother may kiss the cheek of his brother. Kissing an Imam-asws is between his eyes.’[107]

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: ‘Kissing on the mouth is only for the spouses and a small child.’[108]

Kissing the Face, Eyes and Limbs of Prostration of a Zair:

(Amir-ul-Momineen-asws says:) When you welcome somebody who has just arrived from Mecca, a hajji, you should kiss his eyes and face with which he kissed the Black Stone, which the Prophet-saww had kissed. You should also kiss his limbs of prostration and his forehead.[109]

Drinking from the Left-Over of a Momin is a Cure for Diseases:

Our 6th Imam (Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws) said: ‘Drinking from the believer’s leftover is a recovery from seventy diseases.’

A Monin Should not be Faithful to the Unfaithful:

Imam Jafar e Sadiq-asws said: Four things go to waste; (1) to love a disloyal person; (2) to favour an unthankful person; (3) teaching a less keen person; (4) telling a secret to an unreliable person.[110]

The Prophet of Allah-saww has said:  When you after me find people of ‘al-Raib and al-Biddah’ (people of innovation/heresy and deception) express your disapproval of them and increase your condemnation, words and opposition to and evidence against them so they may not become greedy to bring destruction to Islam.  You must warn people against them and against learning their innovative ideas.  Allah will reward you for this and will raise your position in the next life.[111]

The Prophet of Allah-saww has also said:  Whoever visits an innovator and shows respect to him, he tries to demolish the foundation of Islam.[112]

[1] الخصال ج : 2 ص : 611

[2] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, h 5.

[3] Ibid, h 6

[4] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, Chapter 2, h 1.

[5] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, Chapter 4, h 7.

[6] Ibid, h 4.

[7] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, Chapter 3, h 1.

[8] Ibid, h 4.

[9] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, Chapter 4, h 2.

[10] Ibid, Chapter 6, h 3.

[11] Ibid, Chapter 6, h 5.

[12] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, Chapter 5, h 3.

[13] Ibid, h 4.

[14] الكافي     6     391    باب النوادر …..  ص : 390

[15] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, Chapter 4, h 9.

[16] Ibid, Chapter 10, h 1.

[17] Al-Kafi, Vol.6, Chapter on Drinks, see Chapters 7,8 and 9.

[18] Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, Chapter 52, h 1

[19] Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, H. 12,   الكافي     1     15    كتاب العقل و الجهل …..  ص : 10

[20] Al-Kafi, Vol.2, H. 2269.     الكافي     2     226

[21] Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, Chapter 52, h 4

[22] Ibid, h 11

[23] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3604, Ch. 4, h, 10     الكافي ج : 2 ص : 641

[24] Ibid, H. 3608, Ch. 5, h, 3

[25] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3613, Ch. 6, h, 1     الكافي ج : 2 ص : 644

[26] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3617, Ch. 7, h, 3

[27] Ibid, H. 3616

[28] Greetings of peace

[29] Ibid, H. 3615.

[30] Al-Kafi, vol, 1, H. 1093, Ch. 108, h 16

[31] Al-Kafi, vol, 1, H. 1093, Ch. 108, h 29                الكافي     1     417    باب فيه نكت و نتف من التنزيل في الو

[32] Ibid, H. 3619          الكافي ج : 2 ص : 645

[33] Ibid, H. 3625 الكافي ج : 2 ص : 646

[34] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3626, Ch. 7, h, 12

[35] Abid, H. 3628

[36] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3630, Ch. 8, h, 1

[37] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3634, Ch. 8, h, 5

[38] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3635, Ch. 9, h, 1

[39] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3638, Ch. 10, h, 1

[40] Ibid, H. 3639

[41] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3640, Ch. 11, h, 2      الكافي ج : 2 ص : 649

[42] Ibid, H. 3647

[43] Ibid, H. 3649

[44] Ibid, H. 3654,                                الكافي ج : 2 ص : 652

[45] Ibid, H. 3655

[46] Ibid, H. 3656

[47] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3703, Ch. 21, h, 1

[48] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3705, Ch. 21, h, 3

[49] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3706, Ch. 21, h, 4

[50] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3710, Ch. 21, h, 8

[51] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3712, Ch. 22, h, 1

[52] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3719, Ch. 23, h 3

[53] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3721, Ch. 23, h 5   الكافي ج : 2 ص : 664

[54] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3722, Ch. 23, h 6

[55] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3724, Ch. 23, h 8

[56] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3726, Ch. 23, h 10

[57] Al-Kafi, vol. 2, H. 3737, Ch. 24, h, 1           الكافي ج : 2 ص : 666

[58] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3738, Ch. 24, h 2

[59] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3739, Ch. 24, h 3

[60] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3756, Ch. 26, h 2

[61] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3758, Ch. 26, h 4

[62] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3759, Ch. 26, h 5

[63] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3762, Ch. 28, h 1

[64] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3763, Ch. 28, h 2

[65] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3764, Ch. 28, h 3

[66] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3765, Ch. 28, h 4

[67] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3767, Ch. 28, h 6

[68] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3768, Ch. 28, h 7

[69] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3760, Ch. 27, h 1

[70] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3761, Ch. 27, h 2

[71] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3769, Ch. 29, h 1

[72] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3775, Ch. 29, h 7

[73] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3778, Ch. 30, h 1   الكافي ج : 2 ص : 674

[74] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3780, Ch. 30, h 3

[75] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 3781, Ch. 30, h 4

[76] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2025, Ch. 66, h 10                              الكافي ج : 2 ص : 165

[77] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2030, Ch. 68, h 1

[78] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2031, Ch. 68, h 2   الكافي ج : 2 ص : 166

[79] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2032, Ch. 68, h 3

[80] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2039, Ch. 68, h 10

[81] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2042, Ch. 70, h 1

[82] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2043, Ch. 70, h 2     الكافي ج : 2 ص : 169

[83] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2044, Ch. 71, h 1

[84] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2045, Ch. 71, h 2

[85] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2054, Ch. 71, h 11

[86] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2055, Ch. 71, h 12

[87]Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2056, Ch. 71, h 13                                 الكافي ج : 2 ص : 174

[88] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2059, Ch. 71, h 16

[89] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2060, Ch. 72, h 1                الكافي ج : 2 ص : 175

[90] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2064, Ch. 73, h 1               

[91] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2065, Ch. 73, h 2  الكافي ج : 2 ص : 176             

[92] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2066, Ch. 73, h 3

[93] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2067, Ch. 73, h 4

[94] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2070, Ch. 73, h 7

[95] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2080, Ch. 74, h 1

[96] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2081, Ch. 74, h 2

[97] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2082, Ch. 74, h 3    الكافي ج : 2 ص : 180

[98] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2083, Ch. 74, h 4

[99] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2094, Ch. 74, h 15            

[100] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2097, Ch. 74, h 18            

[101] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2100, Ch. 74, h 21            

[102] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2090, Ch. 74, h 11            

[103] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2103, Ch. 76, h 1

[104] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2105, Ch. 76, h 3

[105] The Imam perhaps indicated that the narrator, in fact, had vowed to kiss the Imamasws‘s hand, head and feet

[106] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2106, Ch. 76, h 4

[107] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2107, Ch. 76, h 5          الكافي ج : 2 ص : 186

[108] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2108, Ch. 76, h 6

[109] الخصال ج : 2 ص : 611

[110] Wasail ul Shia, H. 21597                                ‏                          وسائل‏الشيعة ج : 16 ص : 299

[111] Al-Kafi, vol, 2, H. 2814, Ch. 159, h, 4

[112] Wasail ul Shia, H. 21532                         وسائل‏الشيعة ج : 16 ص : 268      


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