Manners – 7 Year


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Back to Year 7


  1. We are ‘Muslims’,
  2. When Muslims meet they say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’  السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
    1. The one who says ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ first, gets more reward from Allah-azwj
    2. ‘The Rasool Allah-saww (Prophet Mohammed-saww) has said: ‘Offering the ‘Salam’[1] is voluntary, but answering it is compulsory.’[2].’
  3. The meanings of ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ is ‘Peace be with you’ which means you be protected under the umbrella of Wilayat of Masomeen-asws.[3]

When we meet with non-Muslims we say   ‘Hello or Hi or how are you?’      

Assalamu Alaykum means “Peace be with you.”


Allah-azwj Gives more reward for shaking hands with Muslims

Also when you hug your ‘mum and dad’

When you enter into a room where there are Muslims say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ once which will be for everyone who is present in front of you.

When you go home say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ once (which will be for everyone who is present in front of you)

When you enter into an empty house say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ Ya Rasool Allah-saww

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is to say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ to your ‘Mum and Dad, brothers and sisters and all those who are in your home; if they are in one room say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ once (which will be for everyone who is present in front of you).

Prophet of Islam (Prophet Mohammed-saww) used to offer ‘Salam’ to children so that they get used to saying Salam.[4]


When a Muslim says ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ to you then you should reply him/her with ‘Wa-alaykum Salaam’

Or for more reward from Allah-azwj say ‘Wa-alaykum Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wabaraka tuhu’.

If a non-Muslim says Salaam to you reply ‘Allaikum’ (the same to you)

Wa Alaykum Salaam means “And Peace be with you.”

Wa Alaykum Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wabaraka tuhu meansAnd Peace be with you and blessings of Allah-azwj with you in abundance.

The saying ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ is not wajib (compulsory) but its reply is wajib as Allah-azwj does not like it if you do not reply to the one who says Salaam to you.


Say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ when leaving friends and family who are Muslims.

Say ‘Goodbye or bye or take care….’ When going away from non-Muslims.

If a non-Muslim says Salaam to you instead of saying ‘goodbye’ reply with ‘Allaikum’ (the same to you)

It is also a custom to say ‘Allah Hafiz or Khuda Hafiz’ in some cultures, you can reply to them by the same ‘Allah Hafiz or Khuda Hafiz’.





You should go to the toilet as soon as you need to, and do not wait to finish whatever you are doing.

Wear some slippers or shoes when going to toilet (WC), because the floor may be wet and ‘Najis’

Make sure there is some water in a cup or jug in the toilet otherwise take some water in a cup. If there is no water available to you, then after you have finished clean yourself with a tissue.

Say ‘Bismillah’ (‘In the Name of Allah-azwj) upon entering into the toilet.

When you go to the toilet, ‘SIT’ on the seat, if it is wet then dry it with a tissue but ‘DO NOT STAND’, this will make you ‘Najis’ and will be inconvenient for those who will come after you to use the toilet.

When you get home, tell your parents that you had to use tissue and not water, so that they can help you become ‘Pak’ again and also change your underwear, which had become Najis.

If you cannot wash yourself in the toilet, call someone to wash you.

Washing two time after urination with few drops of water is sufficient, you may then wipe yourself dry with a issue before putting on your pants.

Flush the toilet, wash and dry your hands before you leave toilet.


You should also perform ‘Wuzu’ (ablution), if possible, before leaving the toilet.




Remember that when you are sitting on the toilet seat you should not face or have your back to Qiblah direction.

If the toilet is facing Qiblah then sit a little sideways.


Always wash your hands before you start eating

Begin by saying “Bismil laahir Rahmaanir Rahim”

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

It is good to start eating food with a few grains of salt.

Always eat with your right hand, and take small bites and chew the food well.

Never talk with your mouth full or look at other people’s faces or plate while eating.

Don’t eat food when it’s too hot or blow on it, and always finish all the food on your plate.

Do not over eat. Always put a little food on your plate and add more if you are still hungry.

Finally, thank Allah-azwj for the food He-azwj has Given to you by saying :

‘AL-HAMDULILAH (All praise is for Allah). (الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ)

Wash your hands after finishing food and praising Allah-azwj.


A Masjid is for offering Salat whereas an Imam-bargah can be used, in addition to offering Salat, for Majalis and Milad.

When entering a Masjid or Imam-bargah, put right foot first and go out with left-foot first and try to avoid facing your back to Holy symbols, i.e., Alam and Taboot inside the Imam-bargah.

Say ‘Assalamu Alaykum’ to people as you meet them

Before entering into a Masjid or Imam-bargah, remove your shoes, if you are not with ‘Wuzu’ perform ‘Wuzu’ and be extra humble and respectful while you are inside as you have entered into the House of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Imams-asws.

Find an empty place to sit without squashing or walking over others.

Take part in worshiping attentively without talking or disturbing others, especially during the Adhan, Salaat, Du’a or lecture.

When fateha is given, wait to be given one. Take only one


If you do not understand the lecture, keep yourself busy by reciting Salawat, sending Lanat on the enemies of Ahl Al-Bayt-asws or reciting Tasbeeh of Bintee Rasool Allah-saww (Syeda Fatima-asws)

When leaving, leave slowly take care you do not step over some one’s foot or push anyone, say ‘Salam’ to people (who are attentive to you).


Your parents are the most special people on this earth.

Your parents love you and take care of you.

When you were babies and you weren’t feeling well your parents kept awake all night and made you comfortable. They fed you and cuddled you when you were sad.

They always make you happy.

In the Holy Qur’an Allah-azwj Tells to us respects our parents:

  1. We must never talk to them in a loud voice
  2. We must never be rude to them
  3. We must always make them as happy as they make us.


[1] Greetings of peace

[2] Ibid, H. 3615.

[3] Al-Kafi, vol, 1, H. 1093, Ch. 108, h 16

[4] ILal-Alsharai P-98