History – 14 Year


Some important events which took place in the history of Islam are covered in years thirteen and fourteen of ‘SOW’ syllabus.  The headings 1-8 are covered in History Year 13. Now for year 14, we report events labelled 9-19.

Some Important Events in the History of Islam:

  1. da’wat dhi ‘l-‘ashíra
  2. Shiab-e-Abi Talib asws
  3. Migration to Makkah
  4. Battle of Badr
  5. Battle of Uhud
  6. Battle of Khandak
  7. The Battle of Ahzaab
  8. Battle of Khiabar
  9. Sulahay Hudaybiya
  10. The First and last Pilgrimage
  11. Ghadeer Khum
  12. Shahadat of Rasool Allah
  13. Appointment of Abu Bakr
  14. Buring of the Door of Syeda asws
  15. Appointment of Ummer
  16. Appointment of Usman
  17. Appointment of Amir-ul-Momineen
  18. Battle of Jamal
  19. Battle of Siffeen
  20. Battle of Hunain
  21. Shahadat of Amir-ul-Momineen
  22. Appointment of Imam Hassan asws
  23. Shahadat of Imam Hassan asws
  24. Immamat of Imam Hussain asws
  25. Karbala and beyond

The Treaty

The treaty took place when the Rasool Allah-saww and his companions went to perform Hajj of Kabah but were stopped by the ‘Mushriqeen’ (polytheists) of Makkah.  In the end, a treaty was signed between the Muslims and Mushriqeen at the place of Hudaybiya.

Abu Abd Allah-asws (our 6th Imam-asws) has said; ‘The Rasool Allah-saww marched (with his-saww companions) towards Al-Hudaybiya during the Month of Zeeqad (11th Islamic month). When the Rasool Allah-saww ended up at the place in which Ihram (for Hajj) had to be worn, they did so and they wore their weapons as well. When this news reached the ‘Mushriqeen’, they sent Khalid Bin Waleed to the Rasool Allah-saww to block his-saww way. So, the Rasool Allah-saww adopted a different route and the caravan ended up at Al-Uqba.

There were 1800 Muslims. When they descended to Al-Hudaybiya, there was a woman who had her son with her. Out of fear, her son ran away. When she established that it was the Rasool Allah-saww, she screamed, ‘These are kind people, there is no reason for you to worry’. The Rasool Allah-saww came up to her and asked her to draw a bucket of water- he-saww drank the water and washed his-saww face. She took the remaining water and returned it back in the well. That well still has water in it even now.

The Rasool Allah-saww came out (to caravan), and the Mushriqeen sent two chiefs with some horsemen to him-saww. They saw the animals being prepared for sacrifice (for after Hajj). They did not face Rasool Allah-saww but returned and told Abu Sufyan of the Mushriqeen ‘By Allah-azwj, it is not how we wanted, but the Muslims will be allowed to perform Hajj.  Abu Sufyan said, ‘Keep quiet until we talk to Muhammad-saww’.

So they sent Urwat Bin Masoud to him-saww and he said, ‘O Muhammad-saww, why have you-saww come?’ He-saww said: ‘I-saww have come to perform the Tawaf of the House (Kabah), and to perform Sa’ee between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa, and sacrifice this camel and leave its meat for you’.

He said, ‘I swear by al-laat and al-uzza[1], a person like you-saww should not be sent back from what he has come for. So he returned to Abu Sufyan and his companions and said ‘No, by Allah-azwj, a person like Muhammad-saww should not be turned back from what he has come for’.

Then the Mushriqeen sent Suhail Bin Amro and Huweytab Bin Abdul Uzza to him-saww. The Rasool Allah-saww commanded for the sacrificial animals to be spread out in front of their eyes. He said, ‘Why have you-saww come here?’ He-saww said: ‘For Tawaf of the House, and the Sa’ee between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa, and to sacrifice the animals and leave their meat for you’. (They said) by doing so you will enter into our city without our permission and make enemies!’ The Rasool Allah-saww refused those two. The Rasool Allah-saww then sent Usman Bin Affan to talk to them and get permission to enter (Makkah). But Usman went and returned (without any success).

(At that), to avoid conflict, the Rasool Allah-saww decided to establish an agreement with the Mushrikeen through a treaty. He-saww said to Ali-asws: ‘Write – In the Name of Allah-azwj, the Beneficent, the Merciful’. Suhail (of the Mushrikeen) said, ‘I don’t know what the Beneficent, the Merciful is, we do not say that, write like us and say ‘By Your-azwj Name, our Allah-azwj’. He-saww said; ‘And write– This has been agreed upon by the Rasool Allah-saww and Suhail Bin Amro’. But Suhail said, ‘What are we fighting you-saww for, O Muhammad-saww? We do not believe you to be the Rasool Allah-saww’ So he-saww said; ‘I-saww am the Rasool of Allah-saww and I-saww am Muhammad bin Abd Allah-saww’. The Muslims said: ‘You-saww are Rasool Allah-saww’ but Suhail said, ‘Write Muhammad Bin Abd Allah-saww

The agreement stated that ‘If one of us (the Mushrikeen of Makkah) goes to you, he must be returned back to us and the Rasool Allah-saww must not keep him (even if he becomes a Muslim). But if one of you (one of the Rasool Allah-saww’s people) comes to us, he will not be returned back to you’. The Rasool Allah-saww was patient and accepted this, but added; ‘However, they should be allowed to worship Allah-azwj among you openly, not in secret, and be allowed to exchange gifts between Medina to Makkah.[2] As part of the treaty, they could not perform a pilgrimage that year but could return next year for three days and perform a pilgrimage.

Objection regarding Al-Hudaybiya

Umar was with the Rasool Allah-saww on the day of Al-Hudaybiya and Umar said to him-saww, ‘You-saww are disgracing our religion’ Then he went around saying this to the companions of Rasool Allah-saww, causing feelings of doubt to arise within them. So the Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Move away from me-saww, do you desire that I-saww betray my-saww responsibility? Allah-azwj had Made the end result one that favoured the Rasool Allah-saw, the decision had been good, correct, Guided, honourable and virtuous.[3]

The narrator of the Hadith says:

‘When we returned from the expedition of Al-Hudaybiya, (we did not understand the  reasons for the treaty) and were in a state of sadness. Then Allah-azwj the Mighty and Majestic Revealed [48:1] Surely, We have Given to you a clear victory. The Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘This Verse has been Revealed to me-saww and it is more beloved to me-saww than the (whole) world and whatever is in it’.[4]

Why did the Rasool Allah-saww Sign the Treaty of Hudaybiya?

(Our 8th Imam-asws says): If the Rasool Allah-saww went ahead and performed Hajj instead of settling for the Treaty of Hudaybiya, the ‘Mushriqeen’ would have killed the Muslim men and women who were in their possession (in Makkah).[5]

The narrator of the Hadith says:

‘Then Allah-azwj the Mighty and Majestic Informed His-azwj Prophet-saww about the reasons for the reconciliation (Treaty of Hudaybiya), Allah-azwj Said: It is they who disbelieved and turned you away from the Sacred Mosque and prevented the offering from arriving at its destined place; and it was because of the believing men and the believing women, [48:25]. (meaning the believing ones in Makkah) Whom, without knowing, you might have trodden down, and thus something hateful might have afflicted you on their account without (your) knowledge. Hence, the reason for the Treaty of Hudaybiya, was to protect the believers who were in Makkah, as otherwise they would have been killed (by the non-believers of Makkah). As a result, when the reconciliation took place, they were safe, and Al-Islam was triumphant, and it was said, ‘That reconciliation was the greatest victory for the Muslims over the ones, they overcame’.[6]

Lesson 2: The Fall of Makkah

Imam Hassan Al-Askari-asws narrates: When the Rasool Allah-saww had to leave Makkah to migrate to Medina. He-saww turned back to face Makkah and said: ‘Allah-azwj Knows that I-saww love you. Had your inhabitants not forced me-saww to leave, I-saww would not have given priority to another city over you and I-saww am saddened.’

Allah-azwj Revealed unto him-saww: ‘O Muhammad-saww! The Most High Sends Greetings to you-saww and Says, ‘I-azwj Shall Return you-saww to this city victorious, unscathed, powerful, compelling’. And that is the Words of the High Most surely He Who has made the Quran binding on you will bring you back to the destination (28:85) The Makkahns laughed when they heard about this’. Allah-azwj Said to His-azwj Messenger-saww: ‘Soon I-azwj shall Make you to be victorious over Makkah, and Issue Orders to them, and soon it will be Prohibited for the Mushriqeen to enter it to the extent that if one of them were to enter it will be fearful of being caught and be killed by you-saww.[7]

During the month of Ramadhan of 8 A.H., the Quraish of Makkah killed the allies of Muslims which violated the treaty of Hudaybiya. As a result, the Rasool Allah-saww marched with 10,000 men on the 10th of the month of Ramadhan and camped a short distance from Makkah. The Makkahns sent a few spies, including Abu Sufyan, to find out the strength of the Muslim army. Upon observing the Muslim army, the Quraish surrendered and Makkah fell in to the hands of Muslims. The Rasool Allah-saww told his-saww army not to fight until someone attacks and to spare those who run away or stay inside their homes.

After the liberation of Makkah, Rasool Allah-saww performed Hajj of Kabah in the month of Zil-Hajj (the 12th Islamic month). Imam Abu Ja’far-asws (5th Imam-asws) said, ‘the Rasool Allah-saww performed only one Hajj from Medina (after the fall of Makkah); however, the Rasool Allah-saww had performed Hajj many times with his companions while in Makkah.[8]  Also in another Hadith, the Imam-asws says: Rasool Allah-saww performed Hajj 20 times (in total).[9]

Lesson 3: The Importance of Arafah

During the last Hajj, after circling the Kabah seven times, offering Salat behind the place of Prophet Ibrahim-as, and performing the Sa’ee between Safa and Marawa, as part of the Hajj rituals, the Prophet-saww together with his companions left for Arafat on the 8th of Zilhajj.  The following Hadith describes an important Divine Message which Rasool Allah-saww received at Arafat on the 9th of Zilhajj.

The narrator of the Hadith says:

‘I heard Abu Abd Allah-asws saying: ‘When Rasool-Allah-saww camped in Arafat on the day of Friday (9th of Zilhajj), Jibraeel-as came up to Rasool Allah-saww and said to him-saww: ‘O Muhmammad-saww! Allah-azwj Conveys His-azwj Greeting to you-saww and is Saying to you-saww: “Announce to your-saww community: This day have I Perfected for you your Religion (through establishing the Wilayah of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws) and Completed My Favour on you and Chosen for you Islam as a Religion [5:3] and there is not going to be any (further religious obligations ) Revealed upon you after this as (I-azwj have now) Revealed to you-saww the Salat, Zakat, Soam (Fasts), Hajj and this (Wilayah) is the fifth (obligation). And the other four are not acceptable (alone) unless the fifth is present (the fifth is the Wilayah of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws)’.[10]

Lesson 4: Al-Ghadeer

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far-asws (5th Imam-asws): ‘When the Rasool-Allah-saww finished the Farewell Pilgrimage, this Verse was Revealed: O Rasool! Deliver what has been Revealed unto you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His Message, and Allah will Protect you from the people [5:67]. So the Rasool Allah-saww called for the congregational Prayer (on the 18th of Zil-Hajj).

The people gathered and Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Who is higher among you than your own selves?’ They all said, ‘Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww’. The Rasool Allah-saww grabbed Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws and said:

‘For the ones for whom I-saww am Mola (Master), for them, Ali-asws is Mola! Our Allah-azwj! Befriend the one who befriends him-asws, and Do not favour the one who does not favour him-asws, and Help the one who helps him-asws, and Abandon the one who abandons him-asws, for he-asws is from me-saww and I-saww am from him-asws, and he-asws is to me what Haroun-as was to Musa-as except that there is no Prophet-saww after me-saww’.

And it was the last Obligation which Allah-azwj the High Obligated upon the community of Muhammad-saww, then Allah-azwj Revealed unto His-azwj Prophet-saww:

This day have I Perfected for you your Religion and Completed My Favour on you and Chosen for you Islam as a Religion[5:3].

Amir-ul-Momineen-asws’s Sermon on Ghadeer-e-Khumm

He-asws (Amir-ul-Momineen-asws) said in a sermon to people: ‘I-asws ask you to listen to the Words of Allah-azwj

“O you who believes! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you” [4:59], and His-azwj Words: “Only Allah is your Guardian and His Rasool and those who believe, those who keep up the Prayers and pay the Zakat while they are bowing” [5:55], then Said: Are you reckoning that you would be left alone while Allah has not yet Known those of you who have struggled hard and do not take to any one besides Allah and His Rasool and the Believers as ones to confide in and rely upon?[9:16].

(Amir-ul-Momineen-asws says) So the Rasool-saww nominated me-asws at Ghadeer-e-Khumm and he-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj Sent me-saww with a Message which constricted my-saww chest as I-saww could see that the people were not going to believe me-saww. Allah-azwj Told me-saww that I-saww should preach it or else Allah-azwj would Punish me-saww. So Arise O Ali-asws’! And the Rasool Allah-saww announced that the people must follow Ali-asws.

So Salman Al-Farsy-as stood up in front of the Rasool Allah-saww and said, ‘O Rasool Allah-saww, how shall we submit to Ali-asws?’ Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Be submissive to him-asws like you are submissive to me-saww. The one who sees that I-saww am higher than him should see Ali-asws as higher than himself’. Allah-azwj Blessed and High Sent down: This day have I Perfected for you your Religion and Completed My Favour on you and Chosen for you Islam as a Religion [5:3]. So Salman Al-Farsy said, ‘O Rasool Allah-saww, has this Verse Descended regarding Ali-asws especially?’ Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Indeed, it is regarding Ali-asws, and regarding my-saww successors up to the Day of Judgement’ (the successors after Ali-asws, in total, they are the 12 Imams-asws).

Then Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘O Salman, you and those who are present are witnesses of that, and those present should make it reach to the ones who are absent’. Salman Al-Farsy said, ‘O Rasool Allah-saww, explain it for us’ (the Wilayah). So the Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Ali-asws, is my-saww brother, and my-saww Vizier, and my-saww successor, and my-saww inheritor, and my-saww Calliph in my-saww community, and the Guardian of every believer after me-saww, and eleven Imams-asws from his sons-asws (after him-asws). The first of them-asws is my-saww son Al-Hassan-asws, then Al-Hussain-asws, then nine from the sons-asws of Al-Hussain-asws, one after the other. The Quran is with them-asws and they-asws are with the Quran. Neither will it separate from them-asws nor will they separate from it until they-asws return to the Fountain’.

O you people! I-saww have made known to you your ‘Master’ and your Imam-asws after me-saww; your evidence and your guide. He-asws is Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws and he-asws is among you at the status that I-saww am among you. So emulate him-asws (do his-asws Taqleed), and obey him-asws in all of your affairs, for in his-asws possession is what Allah-azwj has Taught me-saww, and Ordered for me-saww, and I-saww have made it known to him-asws, and I-saww am letting you know that it is with him-asws. So ask him-asws and learn from him-asws and from the successors-asws after him-asws, and do not try to teach them-asws nor go in front of them-asws nor be left behind them-asws, for they-asws are with the ‘Haq’ (truth) and the ‘Haq’ is with them-asws, neither will they-asws leave it nor will it leave them-asws’.[11]

(After listening to Amir-ul-Momineen-asws talk about this event) Twelve men from the people of Badr (the companions of Rasool Allah-saww who were with him-saww at the battle of Badr) stood up and said, ‘We testify that we heard that from the Rasool Allah-saww exactly as you-asws have said it, you-asws have not added anything nor have you-asws missed a single letter and the Rasool Allah-saww made us witnesses on that’. And then seventy men from those present said; ‘We also heard those words but did not memorise all of it, but these twelve witnesses (that did memorise it) are our good (trustworthy) ones, and the best ones of us’. So Ali-asws said: ‘You have spoken the truth. It is not possible for everyone to be memorisers, some of them are better at memorising than the others’.

Allah-azwj’s Wrath on a Doubter:

The narrator of the Hadith says:

‘Ja’far-asws Bin Muhammad Al-Sadiq-asws, (the 6th Imam-asws) says: ‘When the Rasool-Allah-saww nominated Ali-asws on the Day of Ghadeer-e-Khumm and said: ‘The one for whom I-saww am Master, for him, Ali-asws is his Master (من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه), that became common knowledge in the country. Then Al-No’man Al-Haris Al-Fahry came to the Prophet-saww and said, ‘You-saww commanded us from Allah-azwj that we should testify that there is no god except for Allah-azwj, and that you-saww are the Rasool-Allah-saww, and commanded us for the Jihad, and the Hajj, and the Fasts, and the Salat, and the Zakat, so we accepted these, but you-saww are not happy until you-saww nominate this boy – is this from you-saww or a Command from Allah-azwj?’ The Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Yes, this is from Allah-azwj’.

So Al-No’man Bin Al-Haris turned around and he said, ‘O Allah-azwj! If this is the Truth from You-azwj, let stones rain upon us from the sky!’ So Allah-azwj Stoned him upon his head, and it killed him. And Allah-azwj Revealed the verse: A questioner asked for the Punishment to befall [70:1]’.[12]

Objection of Umar on the Day of Ghadeer-e-Khum

Umar and a companion were present on the Day of Ghadeer-e-Khum. Umar said, ‘He-saww never misses an opportunity to elevate (the status of) his-saww relative’. Then the companion said, ‘He-saww never misses an opportunity to elevate the son-asws of his-saww uncle-asws… no, by Allah-azwj, I will not listen to him-asws, nor will I obey him-asws ever’. Then he (the companion) left. So Allah-azwj Revealed So he did not accept the truth, nor did he pray, [75:31] But called the truth a lie and turned (his) back, [75:33] Then he went to his followers, walking away in arrogance [75:32]. Nearer to you (is destruction) and nearer, [75:34]  Again (consider how) nearer it is to you and nearer [75:35].”[13]

Lesson 5: Shahadat of Rasool Allah-saww

After performing the last Hajj, Rasool Allah-saww left this world in less than three months, on the 28th of Safar.

The narrator of the Hadith says that before his-saww shahadat, the Rasool Allah-saww reminded the people of what he-saww had said before: ‘O you people! When I-saww am martyred, (remember that) Ali-asws is higher to the believers than their own selves. When Ali-asws is martyred, my-saww son Al-Hassan-asws is higher to the believers than their own selves. When Al-Hassan-asws is martyred, my-saww son-asws Al-Hussain is higher to the believers than their own selves. When my-saww son-asws Al-Hussain-asws is martyred, my-saww son Ali-asws Bin Al-Hussain-asws is higher to the believers than their own selves. There is not for anyone with them-asws in the command’. 

Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws stood up, he-asws was weeping and he-asws said: ‘May my-asws mother-asws and my-asws father-asws be sacrificed for you-saww, O Prophet-saww of Allah-azwj, will you-saww be martyred?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes, I-saww will be made a martyr by being poisoned, and you-asws will be killed by the sword and your-asws beard will be dyed from the blood of your-asws head, and my-saww son Al-Hassan-asws will be killed by the poison, and my-saww son-asws Al-Hussain-asws will be killed by the sword, and he-asws will be killed by a tyrant son of a tyrant, one whose lineage is in doubt (Da’iy), a hypocrite son of a hypocrite’.[14]

The Departure of Rasool Allah-saww’s Soul:

In a Hadith, Rasool-Allah-saww said: ‘O Abu Dahrr-ra! When I-saww was Ascended to the sky, I-saww passed by an Angel seated upon a bed of Light. On his head was a crown of Noor (Light). One of his legs was in the East and the other in the West, and between his hands was a tablet in which he was looking into. And the world, all of it was in front of his eyes, and the creatures between his knees, and his hands reached the East and the West. So I-saww said: ‘O Jibraeel-as, who is this Angel of my-saww Lord-azwj?

He-as said: ‘This is ‘Azraeel’, the Angel of Death’. I-saww approached, he greeted, so I-saww said: ‘Peace be upon you, my-saww beloved Angel of Death’. So he said: ‘And peace be upon you-saww O Ahmad-saww. And how is your-saww cousin-asws Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws?’ So I-saww said: ‘And you-saww know my-saww cousin-asws?’ Azraeel replied: ‘And how can I not know him-asws? Allah-azwj has Allocated me to capture the souls except for your-saww soul and the soul of Ali-asws Bin Abu Talib-asws, for Allah-azwj will Make both of you-asws to pass away by His-azwj Desire’.[15]

The washing of the Rasool Allah-saww before Burial

When the Rasool Allah-saww passed away, he-saww made a will to Ali-asws that said no one should wash him-saww apart from Ali-asws, and that there is no one who could look at the body parts of the Rasool Allah-saww without losing his eyesight. Ali-asws said: ‘O Rasool Allah-saww, who will be helping me-asws wash you-saww?’ The Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Jibraeel and the armies of Angels’. Ali-asws washed him-saww and Fazl Bin Abbas, with his eyes covered, poured the water and the Angels were able to turn him-saww whenever was needed.[16]

Lesson 6:  The Appointment of Abu Bakr

It is reported from Sulaym Bin Qays (a companion of Amir-ul-Momineen who compiled the first book of Shia Ahadith) who says, ‘I heard Salman Al-Farsy-ra say, ‘When the Rasool Allah-saww passed away, the people began arguing for the Caliphate (position of leadership.)

Salman-ra said, ‘I-ra informed Ali-asws of what the people had done whilst he-asws was washing the Rasool Allah-saw (for burial) and I-ra said that, ‘Abu Bakr is currently on the Pulpit of the Rasool Allah-saww, and the people are pledging allegiance (doing Bayt) to him with both of their hands, right and left’. Ali-asws said: ‘O Salman-ra, do you know who was the first one to do Baayt to him on the Pulpit of Rasool Allah-saww?’ I said, I-ra saw an old person leaning on a staff climb upon the Pulpit first and he said whilst weeping, ‘Praise is due to Allah-azwj who did not Cause me-la to die until I-la saw you in this place. Extend your hand!’ He extended his hand, and he-la paid allegiance to him, then said, ‘This day is like the day of Adam-sa’, then he-la came down and went out of the Masjid’. Ali-asws said: ‘O Salman-ra, do you know who he-la was?’ I-ra said, ‘No, but his-la talk displeased me-ra, it was as if he-la was gloating at the passing away of Rasool Allah-saww’. Ali-asws said: ‘That was Iblees-la (Satan) may the Curse of Allah-azwj be upon him-la.

Salman-ra said, ‘When it was night time, Ali-asws made Syeda Fatima-asws ride on a mule, and took both of his-asws sons-asws, Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Hussain-asws by their-asws hands. He-asws came up to the people. He-asws reminded them of his-asws rights, and called upon them to come help him-asws. No one answered his-asws call for this except for forty-four of them. He-asws ordered them to shave off their heads and come over the next morning with their weapons to pay allegiance to death. No one was faithful to it except for four. I said to Salman-ra, ‘Who were the four?’ He-ra said, ‘I-ra, and Abu Dharr-ra, and Miqdad-ra and Zubayr Bin Al-Awaam’. Then Ali-asws went back to the ones who did not help on the second night and urged them to help. They said, ‘Tomorrow morning’. Not one of them came to him-asws except for us. Then he-asws went to them on the third night. No one came to him-asws apart from us’.

Ali-asws started collecting the verses of the Quran to present it to the people. When he-asws saw their treachery and their lack of loyalty to him-asws, he-asws turned towards the Quran to collect it. He-asws did not come out from his-asws house until he-asws had collected all the verses, which were written on the paper, wood and skin. When he-asws had collected the whole of it, he-asws began to write it using his-asws own hand. He-asws  wrote it in the order in which the verses were  Revealed with its explanation. Abu Bakr sent for him-asws to come and pay allegiance to him. Ali-asws sent a message to him saying: ‘I-asws am busy and have taken it upon myself-asws that I-asws shall not leave until I-asws have collected all the verses and compiled them into the Quran’.

So they left him-asws alone for a few days. He-asws compiled the Quran in one piece of cloth and sealed it, then came out to the people who had gathered around Abu Bakr in the Masjid of the Rasool Allah-saww. Ali-asws called out in a loud voice: ‘O you people! Since the passing away of Rasool Allah-saww, I-asws have been preoccupied with his-saww washing, then with the Quran, and I-asws did not cease until I-asws had collected all of it in this one cloth. There is no Verse that Allah-azwj the High has Sent down on the Rasool Allah-azwj that I-asws have not collected and the Rasool Allah-saww has read every Verse to me-asws and explained it me-asws’. Then Ali-asws said to them: ‘(I have told you all this) in case you say tomorrow that “Surely we were unware of this” [7:172]. Then Ali-asws said to them: ‘‘(I have told you all this) in case you say on the Day of Judgement that I-asws did not call you to help me-asws and did not remind you of my-asws right, and did not call you to the Book of Allah-azwj from its opening up to its end’. Umar said, ‘What we have from the Quran is sufficient for us, but rather, you-asws are calling us to yourself-asws’. Then Ali-asws entered his-asws house’.[17] 

Lesson 7: The Muslims of Medina Burn the Door of Syeda-asws

It is reported from Sulaym Bin Qays who says:  Umar said to Abu Bakr, ‘Send a message to Ali-asws to do Baayt (pay allegiance), for there is nothing in this Caliphate (leadership) until your rule will be established, this can only happen if Ali-asws does your Baayt.

Abu Bakr sent a messenger to Ali-asws to say: ‘Answer to the Caliph of the Rasool Allah-saww’. Ali-asws replied to the messenger: ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj, with what speed you have forged this lie, Abu Bakr knows and those that surround him know that Allah-azwj and His-azwj Messenger-saww did not appoint a Caliph other than myself-asws’. The messenger went and informed him (Abu Bakr) of what Ali-asws had said to him.

Abu Bakr said, ‘tell Ali-asws to ‘Answer to the Amir-ul-Momineen Abu Bakr’. The messenger came to Ali-asws, and informed him of what Abu Bakr had said. Ali-asws said to him: ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj, by Allah-azwj it has not been long and already he has forgotten. By Allah-azwj, Abu Bakr knows that this title cannot be used by anyone except for me-asws and the Rasool Allah-saww has ordered it and he-saww saluted me-asws as Amir-ul-Momineen. Abu Bakr and his companion Umar were among those seven (people) who inquired by saying, ‘Is this truth from Allah-azwj and His-azwj Prophet-saww?’ Rasool Allah-saww said to them: ‘Yes, the truth. The truth from Allah-azwj and from His-azwj Messenger-saww is that Ali-asws is Amir-ul-Momineen the Chief of the Muslims, and the standard bearer. Allah-azwj the Mighty and Majestic will Make him-asws to be seated on the Day of Judgement on the Path. He-asws will make his-asws friends enter the Paradise and his-asws enemies will enter the Fire’. The messenger returned and informed him of what he-asws had said. He kept quiet from him after that day.

When Ali-asws saw how the people had abandoned him-asws and had gathered around Abu Bakr, showing obedience to him and praising him, he-asws decided to stay at his-asws house.

(After a few days) Umar said to Abu Bakr, ‘What is preventing you from sending someone to Ali-asws for the Baayt (allegiance)? There is no one remaining who needs to pledge allegiance except Ali-asws and his four companions. Abu Bakr was more thoughtful of the two and had more foresight of the two, and the other one (Umar) was more short-tempered, hard-hearted and more oppressive of the two. Abu Bakr said, ‘Who shall we sent to him-asws?’ Umar said, ‘We should send to him-asws Qunfuz, a man who was rude, muscular and short-tempered.[18]

Abu Bakr, therefore, sent Qunfuz and some companions of the ‘Al-Ansar’ with him to the door of Ali-asws. They sought permission from Ali-asws to enter the house but Ali-asws did not permit them. The companions of Qunfuz returned to Abu Bakr and Umar – and they were both seated in the Masjid with the people were around them. They said, ‘Ali-asws is not permitting us’. Umar said, ‘Go, if he-asws gives you permission, and if not, enter without permission. They rushed back. They sought permission. At this time, Ali-asws’ wife Syeda Bint-e-Muhammed-asws said, ‘Get out of here all of you, you cannot enter my-asws house without my-asws permission!’ They returned, but Qunfuz the accursed, remained persistent. They said (to Abu Bakr and Umar), ‘Syeda-asws told us to get out of her-asws house, for we entered without permission’.

Umar got angry and he ordered the people around him to carry firewood and Umar carried it with them. They went around the home of Ali-asws and Syeda-asws and their-asws two sons-asws. Then Umar called out until Ali-asws and Syeda-asws heard, ‘By Allah-azwj, Come out to us, O Ali-asws and do Baayt to the Caliph of Rasool Allah-saww, or else we will burn down your-asws house upon you-asws’. Syeda-asws said: ‘O Umar, what have you got to do with us-asws?’ He said, ‘Open the door or else we will burn down your-asws house upon you-asws’.

Syeda-asws said: ‘O Umar, do you not fear Allah-azwj for you want to enter into my-asws house?’ He refused to leave. And Umar called for the fire. He set fire to the door, then pushed it and entered. Syeda-asws confronted him and shouted: ‘O my-asws father-saww, Ya Rasool Allah-saww! Umar raised his sword, and it was in its sheath, and hit her-asws with it on her-asws side. Syeda-asws screamed: ‘O my-asws father!’ He raised the whip. He struck Syeda-asws with it on her-asws arm. Syeda-asws called out: ‘Ya Rasool Allah-saww! Abu Bakr and Umar have done evil after you-saww!’

At this point, Ali-asws leapt up and grabbed him by the collar and pushed him away. He fell and injured his neck and nose.  Ali-asws intended to kill him but recalled the words of the Rasool Allah-saww that he-asws must observe patience. Ali-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj Who has Honoured Mohammed-saww with Prophet-hood, you should have known that you could not enter my-asws house’.

Umar yelled out for help. The people came over and entered the house so Ali-asws reached for his-asws sword. Qunfuz  feared that Ali-asws would use his-asws sword, having known of his-asws bravery and determination so he returned to Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr said to Qunfuz, ‘Return, and see if he-asws comes out, or else break down his-asws house, and if he-asws still refuses, burn down his-asws house upon him-asws’.

Qunfuz the accursed returned. He and his companions entered without permission, and Ali-asws reached for his-asws sword. They got to him-asws first and they captured him-asws as there were many of them. Some of them took their swords out, grabbed him-asws and seized him-asws. They put a rope around his-asws neck.

Syeda-asws came in between him-asws and them near the door of the house. Umar had sent him with a message, ‘If Fatima-asws comes between you and him-asws, hit her-asws’. Qunfuz, may Allah-azwj Curse him, forced her-asws to take refuge behind the door of her-asws house, and he pushed it. The ribs on her-asws side broke, and as a result of which Mohsin-asws was martyred. Qunfuz, the accursed, struck Syeda-asws with the whip, she fell unconscious and on her-asws shoulder was a mark from the whip when she-asws passed away. Syeda-asws did not cease being bed-ridden as a result, until she-asws passed away from that as a martyr. May Allah-azwj Curse Qunfuz and the one who sent him’.

Then they dragged Ali-asws in a cruel manner until they ended him-asws up to Abu Bakr, and Umar was standing ready with his sword and the rest of the people were seated around Abu Bakr, ready with their weapons.

The entry into the House of Syeda Fatima-asws without permission

Sulaym Bin Qays says, I said to Salman-ra, ‘They entered into the House of (Syeda) Fatima-asws without permission?’ He-ra said, ‘Yes, by Allah-azwj, and she-asws did not have a veil on her-asws. She-asws called out: ‘O father-saww! O Messenger of Allah-saww! O father-saww! Abu Bakr and Umar have done evil after you-saww, (they did this) even before your-saww eyes had closed in your-saww grave’ – Syeda-asws had called out in a loud voice. I saw Abu Bakr and those around him crying, and there was none among them except that he wept apart from Umar, and Khalid Bin Waleed, and Al-Mugheira Bin Shayba; and Umar was saying, ‘We have nothing to do with women and their opinions’.

Amir-ul-Momineen-asws establishes his-asws argument on the Quraysh

They took Ali-asws to Abu Bakr, and he-asws was saying, ‘But, by Allah-azwj, if my-asws sword was present in my-asws hands and had I-asws decided to fight, you would have never arrived here. And if there had been the forty men (in my support) I-asws would have been able to scare away your group, may Allah-azwj Curse the people who paid allegiance to me-asws and then abandoned me-asws’. When Abu Bakr saw him-asws, he shouted, ‘Release him-asws!’ Ali-asws said: ‘O Abu Bakr, with what ease you have gone against the Rasool Allah-saww? With what right, and with which status have you called the people to your allegiance?’ Did you not pay allegiance to me-asws only a short while ago by the order of Rasool Allah-azwj?’

Umar shouted at Ali-asws, ‘Pay allegiance’. Ali-asws said: ‘And if I-asws do not do this, what will you do?’ Umar said, ‘We will kill you-asws with humiliation and degradation’. He-asws said: ‘Will you kill the servant of Allah-azwj and the brother of His-azwj Messenger-saww?’ Abu Bakr said, ‘You are a servant of Allah-azwj, that is correct, but we do not accept you as a brother of the Rasool Allah-saww’.

Ali-asws said: ‘Are you denying that the Rasool Allah-saww established brotherhood between myself-asws and himself-saww?’ He said, ‘Yes’. Ali-asws repeated this three times to him. Then Ali-asws addressed them, saying: ‘O Muslims, I-asws would like you all to swear to Allah-azwj, did you all not hear the Rasool Allah-saww on the Day of Ghadeer-e-Khumm?’ He-asws reminded them of everything that the Rasool Allah-saww had said and he did not leave anything out. They said, ‘By Our Allah-azwj, yes (this is the truth)’.

Lesson 8: Abu Bakr fabricates a Hadith to seize the Caliphate

Abu Bakr feared that the people might help Ali-asws. In order to stop them he surprised them all by making up a hadith and saying, ‘All that which you-asws have said is true. We have heard it with our ears, understood it and accepted it in our hearts, but I heard the Rasool Allah-saww say afterwards that: ‘Allah-azwj has Chosen the People-asws of the Household for the Hereafter and Honoured us-asws, and Allah-azwj does not want to mix the People-asws of the Household and the Caliphate together’.

Ali-asws said: ‘Have the companions of Rasool Allah-saww heard this before?’ Umar said, ‘The Caliph of Rasool Allah-saww has spoken the truth, I heard it from him-saww’. And Abu Ubeyda, and Saalim Mawla Abu Huzayfa, and Ma’az Bin Jabal said, ‘It is true, we have heard that from Rasool Allah-saww’.

Amir-ul-Momineen-asws exposes the accursed document

Ali-asws said to them: ‘You are being faithful to the accursed document which you wrote in the Kabahh that stated, “If Allah-azwj Kills Mohammed-saww or he-saww passes away, we will take the Caliphate and keep it away from the People-asws of the Household”. Abu Bakr said, ‘What do you-asws know about that? We have not told you-asws about that’. He-asws said: ‘You O Zubeyr, O Salman-ra, O Abu Dharr-ra and O Miqdad-ra, I-asws ask you for the sake Allah-azwj and for the sake of the Islam, did you not hear Rasool Allah-saww say that ‘Those people have written and taken an oath to work against the People-asws of the Household for when I-saww am killed or pass away’? They said, ‘Our Allah-azwj, yes. We have heard Rasool Allah-saww say that to you-asws ’.

I said to the Rasool Allah-saww, ‘May my-asws father-as and my-asws mother-sa be sacrificed for you-saww, O Messenger of Allah-saww, what do you-saww order for me-asws to do?’ They said, ‘He-saww said to you-asws: ‘If you-asws find supporters, fight against them, and reject them, and if you-asws do not find any supporters, then pay allegiance and save your-asws blood’. Ali-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj, if those forty men who had paid allegiance to me-asws had been faithful, I-asws would have fought against you in the Way of Allah-azwj.

Evidence against the fabricated Hadith:

The Statement of Allah-azwj  disproves the fabricated hadiths that they said were from the Rasool Allah-saww “[4:54] Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His grace? But indeed We have given to Ibrahim’s children the Book and the wisdom, and We have given them a grand kingdom”, for the Book is the Prophet-hood, and the Wisdom is the Sunnah, and the Kingdom is the Caliphate, and we-asws are the Children of Ibrahim-as’. Hence the Caliphate belongs to them-asws.

Umar threatens to kill Ali-asws

Umar stood up. He said to Abu Bakr – who was seated on top of the Pulpit – ‘What are you sitting on the Pulpit for? This man is not standing up to pay allegiance to you so give an order for his neck to be cut off’. Al-Hassan-asws and Al-Hussain-asws were standing there and when they-asws heard the words of Umar, they-asws started crying. Ali-asws embraced them-asws to his-asws chest and said: ‘Do not cry, for by Allah-azwj, they do not have the ability to kill your-asws father-asws’.

Umm Ayman and Bureyda Defended Ali-asws

And Umm Ayman-sa, the nurse maid of the Rasool Allah-saww came forward. She-sa said, ‘O Abu Bakr, you are envious and a hypocrite’. Umar ordered for her-sa to be thrown out of the Masjid and said, ‘We have nothing to do with women’. Bureyda Al-Aslamy stood up and said, ‘O Umar, you are pouncing upon Ali-asws, the brother of Rasool Allah-saww, and the father of his-saww children-asws? Did the Rasool Allah-saww not tell you two to: ‘Go to Ali-asws and salute him-asws as Amir-ul-Momineen?’ You both said, ‘Is this the Order of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Messenger-saww?’ He-saww said: ‘Yes’. Abu Bakr said, ‘That is how it was, but the Rasool Allah-saww said after that: ‘For the People-asws of my-saww Household, the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate will not be gathered together’. He said, ‘By Allah-azwj, the Rasool Allah-saww did not say this. By Allah-azwj I will not stay in the city in which you are the leader’. Umar ordered for him to be beaten up and thrown out’. 

The Unwilling and Forced Allegiance of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws

Then Umar said, ‘Arise, O son-asws of Abu Talib-asws, pay allegiance’. He-asws said: ‘What if I-asws don’t do it?’ He said, ‘Then, by Allah-azwj, we will cut off your-asws neck’. He said this to him-asws three times. He-asws extended his-asws hand and opened it. Abu Bakr struck his-asws hand and he was happy with that regarding it. Ali-asws called out, before the allegiance – with the rope was around his-asws neck -: “[7:150] Son of my mother! surely the people reckoned me weak and had well-nigh slain me”.[19]

Lesson 9: The Appointment of Umar

The narrator of the Hadith reports a sermon of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws

Ali-asws turned towards the people and said: ‘Glory be to Allah-azwj! The hearts of the people have drunk from the problems and the conflicts of these two (Abu Bakr and Umar. The Rasool Allah-saww said to the people: ‘Greet Ali-asws as ‘Amir-ul-Momineen’, and be witnesses to this.’ And it is strange that they accepted this, and then claimed that the Rasool Allah-saww never left behind anyone (as Caliph), and so they ordered for a discussion (to decide on the Caliph). But they accepted Abu Bakr (as caliph) without having a say or discussions.

Then Abu Bakr made Umar to be the Caliph. The people reminded Abu Bakr that he had told them that the Rasool Allah-saww did not leave a Caliph (even though this was not true), so he should not leave behind a Caliph. He (Abu Bakr) said, ‘Shall I leave the community of Muhammad-saww like a broken slipper, leaving them without anyone as Caliph over them?’

Lesson 10: The Appointment of Usman

After Umar, another Caliph was to be chosen, so he came up with a new way to select the next Caliph. He organised a consultation between six people (all nominated for the position of Caliph). Ali-asws was among the nominees, but Umar chose some of the other nominees to be with those whose hearts drank from the conflict and the errors. Ibn Awf accepted Ali-asws, but then paid allegiance to Usman, so all the others paid allegiance to him and Usman became Caliph. Ibn Awf (Abdul Rahman) had made the Caliphate go to Usman on the condition that he would return it back to him. Usman betrayed him, and Ibn Awf (Abdul Rahman) labelled him as an ignorant one during his lifetime. His children (Abdul Rahman’s) thought that Usman had poisoned him, which (led to his) death.[20]

The consultation of Umar was illegal

The narrator says: Umar included Ali-asws in his six nominees for Caliph after him, but this was in contradiction to their fabricated Hadith where they said that the Rasool Allah-saww said: ‘Allah-azwj never Gathers together for us-asws– the People-asws of the Household, the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate’.

(After mentioning this) Ali-asws turned towards Talha, and Al-Zubayr, and Ibn Awf, and Sa’ad. Ali-asws said: ‘By Allah-azwj, if those five lied against the Rasool Allah-saww (about the hadith and Caliphate) then it is not permissible for you to hold their friendship, and if they spoke the truth then it is not permissible for you five to include me-asws in your consultation (as one of the six nominees proposed by Umar), for my-asws inclusion in it is against Rasool Allah-saww’.[21]

Lesson 11: The Appointment of Amir-ul-Momineen

The narrator of the Hadith describes how the people pledged their allegiance to Ali-asws after the killing of Usman, who had become Caliph after Umar.

(After the killing of Usman, the Muslims started searching for Ali-asws).  However, Ali-asws kept himself-asws away from the people for three days. They came up to Ali-asws who was quietly staying with the Clan of Najaar. So, they said, ‘We have held consultations to decide on who should be Caliph for three days, and we did not find anyone from the people more deserving of the Caliphate than you-asws.

We urge you-asws as by Allah-azwj, the community of Muhammad-saww would be lost if it were to follow someone other than you-asws for its affairs’. So they did Baayt of Ali-asws, and the first ones to pledge allegiance to him-asws were Talha and Al-Zubayr, then they went to ‘Al-Basra’ claiming that they had both pledged their allegiance unwillingly, but they were lying.

Then a man from ‘Mahrat’ came up. Ali-asws said: ‘O brother from Mahrat, have you come to do Baayt?’ He said, ‘Yes’. Ali-asws said: ‘The Rasool Allah-saww passed away and left the command for me-asws, even though Abu Bakr snatched it from us-asws unjustly. Then Umar snatched it from us-asws. Do you do Baayt because you understand this?’ He said, ‘Yes’. So he pledged his allegiance upon willingly without abhorrence (only the trustworthy Momins do ‘baayt’[22] with this condition).

Lesson 12: The Battle of Jamal

It is narrated from Sulaym Bin Qays who said, ‘I battled alongside Ali-asws on the Day of the Camel (Al-Jamal) and we were 12,000 men, and the army and companions of the Camel had more than 120,000 men. The army was led by Aisha and it was defeated in the battle.  Talha and Zubayr, also leaders of the army, were both killed.  After defeating them, Amir-ul-Momineen-asws sent Aisha back to Medina in the company of female soldiers.[23]

The narrator of the Hadith says:

‘And Amir-ul-Momineen-asws wrote a letter to the Shias in which he-asws mentioned the coming out of Aisha to Al-Basra for battle and the major error of Talha and Zubayr. He-asws said: ‘And is there an error greater than this? They have brought out the wife of the Rasool-Allah-saww from her house, and uncovered her veil which Allah-azwj had Veiled upon her whilst they kept their own wives in their houses!’ They have not done justice to Allah-azwj and His-azwj Rasool-saww’.

Aisha, Talha and Zubayr all performed three (evil) acts referenced in the Book of Allah-azwj – The rebellion, the plotting, and the breaking (of allegiance). Allah-azwj Said [10:23] O you people! Your rebellion is against your own souls, and Said [48:10] Therefore whoever breaks (the Covenant), he breaks it only against his own soul, and Said [35:43] and the evil plans shall not weigh down any except the planners of it. (Ali-asws said) and they have rebelled against us-asws, and broke their allegiance with me-asws, and plotted against me-asws’.[24]



Lesson 13: The battle of Siffeen

Muawiya Gathers Syrians for Usman’s Revenge

The narrator of the Hadith said: After they failed to defeat Ali-asws at battle of Jamal, Muawiya (who was the ruler of Syria) called the reciters of the (holy Quran) of Syria, gave them money and sent them to different areas in Syria. They reported false reports and taught them false principles. They lied, informing them that Ali-asws killed Usman[25] and that Muawiya is seeking the blood (revenge) for Usman. With them were the children of Usman, this helped to convince the people of Syria to agree.

Muawiya continued this for twenty years, to the extent that the young grew up, and the grown ones became elderly. He gave his agents of falsehood (the oppressors spreading lies) wealth, land and food and drink. And the people of Syria stopped cursing Satan-la and started cursing Ali-asws, and they were saying, ‘Curse be upon Ali-asws the murderer of Usman’ (nouzobillah). The ignorant ones accepted that and their misguidance lead them to the Fire. Sufficient for us is Allah-azwj and He-azwj the best Disposer. Had He-azwj so Wished, He-azwj could have Gathered them on the path of the guided, but Allah-azwj Does what that He-azwj so Desires.[26]

The Battle of Siffeen occurred between Muawiya and his people and Amir-ul-Momineen-asws and his companions in Syria.

The Battle

The narrator of the Hadith says I asked Sulaym ‘Did you witness (the battle of) Siffeen?’ He said, ‘Yes’.

I asked, ‘How old were you then?’ He said, ‘Forty years’. I said, ‘Tell me about it, may Allah-azwj have Mercy on you’. He said, ‘I have forgotten many things, but I cannot forget this event’.

Then he wept and said, ‘We were aligned in our rows when Maalik Al-Ashtar (another companion) came out on his horse. He moved so that he was standing between the two rows facing us, with his back towards the people of Syria. He Praised Allah-azwj, sent greetings upon the Prophet-saww and said, ‘What happens is from the Judgement of Allah-azwj and His-azwj Power, He-azwj has Gathered us on this spot of earth for this and His-azwj Commands have been Issued.

We are led by the Chief of the Muslims- Amir-ul-Momineen-asws. He-asws is the best of the successors-as, the son-asws of the uncle-as of our Prophet-saww and his-saww brother-asws, and inheritor. Our swords are the swords of Allah-azwj, but the leader of the Syrian army is the son of the liver-eater (Muawiya son of Hinda) and a shelter for hypocrisy, leading them all to the misery and the Fire. And we are hopeful that by killing them we will be Rewarded by Allah-azwj whilst they are awaiting the Punishment.

So when the fighting erupts and horses wander by our dead and their dead, we will be hopeful for the Help of Allah-azwj. So do not listen to anything except for the sounds of the swords and the horses. O you people, lower your gaze and clench your teeth for it is intense, striking the head (of an opponent) and turn your face towards their faces. With the sword in your right hand, strike their heads and stab your spear into their hearts’.

Then the people met (in battle) and between them was a great fight. 70,000 of the well-known Arabs were killed. And the event lasted from sunrise until a third of the night had gone by. No one from the army prostrated to Allah-azwj for their Prayers at Midday (Al-Zohr), Mid-afternoon (Al-Asr), Evening (Al-Maghrib) and at Night (Al-Isha) Prayers.

The narrator of the Hadith said, ‘I heard Ali-asws say on the Day of Al-Jamal and the Day of Al-Siffeen: ‘I-asws could either fight against what Allah-azwj has Sent down, or I-asws can fight in the Way of Allah-azwj and command the doing of the good and forbid the evil. I-asws chose to fight in the Way of Allah-azwj against the disbeleif (Al-Kufr). The disbelievers (Kafirs) face the chains in the Fire of Hell. I-asws have continuously been oppressed since the passing away of Rasool Allah-saww. Had I-asws found helpers (enough companions) before today I-asws would have fought and it would have not been possible for me-asws to be seated (and not fight). And the Book and the Sunnah (would have been shared by the people) just as I-asws have found today.’[27]

The narrator of the Hadith has said: ‘When Ali-asws met the enemies on the day of Battle of Al-Jamal, Siffeen, and Al-Nahrwaan, he-asws turned towards the Qiblah (Kabah) whilst on his-asws grey mule (which was a mule similar to that of Rasool Allah-saww) and he-asws said: ‘Our Allah-azwj! The hands are extended towards You-azwj, and the eyes are raised, and the hearts are opened up, and the feet have stepped ahead (towards You-azwj). Our Lord-azwj! Grant victory to us and to our people by the truth, and You-azwj are the best in Granting victory’, and he-asws had his-asws hands raised, and his-asws companions responded by saying ‘Ameen’.[28]

A Deceptive letter of Muawiya to Amir-ul-Momineen-asws

The Syrian was losing and ran away. When Muawiya heard, he was overcome with panic. He called Amro Bin Al-A’as and said, ‘O Amro, this is the night before he-asws attacks us, so what do you see?’ He said, ‘I see that our men have been killed, that those that remain will not be able to stand up to Ali’s -asws men and that you are not like Ali-asws. He-asws is fighting you based upon the Command and you are fighting him-asws over something else, and you intend to keep what you have whereas he-asws intends for you to lose all of this. The people of Syria do not fear his-asws victory as much as the people of Iraq fear your victory over them. (So, in my opinion), propose to them a deal that they have to accept. Call them to the Book of Allah-azwj, and raise the Qurans upon spears, so you will achieve your needs. I have been thinking and refining this idea for you’. Muawiya understood and said, ‘You have spoken the truth, but I think I can deceive Ali-asws. Amro laughed and said, ‘O Muawiya, you want to deceive Ali-asws?’.

‘So Muawiya wrote a letter to Ali-asws which said, ‘If only you-asws (and I) had known that the battle would reach this stage- that one of us would not be able to overcome the other, even if the intellect of one of us may be greater. But what has passed has passed and we should put right what remains. I asked you for Syria on the condition that it would not require obedience to you nor allegiance. You refused but Allah-azwj Gave it to me when you-asws had not. And I am calling you-asws today for what I called you-asws for yesterday, for you-asws are not hopeful for me staying but I am hopeful for it, nor do you-asws fear the destruction, but I fear it. By Allah-azwj, our men have gone and we have softened. And we are the children of Abd Manaaf, there is no preference for one of us over another; an honourable one is not to be disgraced, nor is a disgraced one to be enslaved. Greetings.

The answer of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws to the letter of Muawiya

Sulaym said, ‘When Ali-asws read his letter, he smiled and said, ‘I-asws wonder why Muawiya is trying to deceive me-asws’. So he-asws called his-asws writer Ubeydullah Bin Abu Raf’a and said to him: ‘Write!’

‘Your letter came to me-asws in which you mentioned that, ‘If only you-asws (and I) had known that the battle would reach this stage- that one of us would not be able to overcome the other’, and I-asws and you – O Muawiya – are upon a destination which we will not reach to afterwards. As for your seeking Syria, I-asws will not give it to you today in the same way that I-asws did not give to you yesterday. And as for us being in fear and hope, you have spent (your life) in doubt as I-asws have lived knowing what is certainly the truth (Yaqeen) . The people of Syria are as greedy for the world as the people of Iraq are for the Hereafter. And as for your words, ‘And we are the children of Abd Manaaf, there is no preference for one of us over another’, that is what we are, but Umayya is not like Hashim-as, nor is Harb like Abdul Muttalib-as, nor is Abu Sufyan like Abu Talib-as, nor is a hypocrite like a believer nor is the falsehood like the truth. In our-asws hands is the preference of Prophet-hood with which we-asws govern the Arabs and bind the non-Arabs by it’. Greetings’.

Amro Bin Al-A’as Teases Muawiya

When the letter of Ali-asws ended up with Muawiya, he hid it from Amro. When Amro found out, he humiliated him over it as he had told him not to write a letter to begin with. And there was no one from the Qureish who had greater respect for Ali-asws than Amro after the day in which he-asws made him to fall down from his ride.

Amro said (in a poem), ‘O son of Hinda (Muawiya), it is dark what you desire – it is not for you when there is Ali-asws. He-asws has struck iron with iron, and you hope to deceive him-asws. And you are hopeful of scaring him-asws by starting a war. The hair on the heads of children goes grey at the prospect of it.And you have spoken to him with the words of a beggar, (like a) weak heart with its blood vessels being cut off. You sought Syria which should have been enough for you O son of Hinda. Even if he-asws were to give it to you, it will not increase your honour.[29]


The battle Continues

Sulaym (the narrator of the Hadith) says: ‘When Ali-asws and his companions passed by a group of Syrians from Muawiya’s camp, he-asws heard them were making offensive remarks against him-asws. He-asws halted his-asws companions and said: ‘Go to them in a polite manner and with righteous attitude and maintain the dignity of Al-Islam.

Indeed, they are the worst in the ignorance to Allah-azwj, their rudeness and delusion shows that their leader is Muawiya. Before today they did not fight against me-asws or verbally attack me-asws, I-asws used to call them towards Al-Islam and they would call me to worship idols. So, Praise be to Allah-azwj , I leave this matter to Allah-azwj , He-azwj will deal with the mischievous hypocrites who we saw unsatisfied and ungrateful to Islam. They deceived this community and made their hearts drink the love of ‘Fitna’ (rebellion) and attracted their desires towards the falsehood. So they established the war against us in order to extinguish the Light of Allah-azwj, “[61:8] and Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be unwilling.”

Then Ali-asws said: ‘These ones will not move away from this position of theirs unless they are challenged until their hearts fly out and bones are broken and wrists fall off, and until their foreheads are knocked by iron and their bones are crushed in their chests, and their chins and their collar bones are pulled out. Where are the people who seek the Hereafter?’ s

Muhammad Al-Hanafiyya takes four thousand against Muawiya’ army

Approximately 4000 people were ready to fight with Ali-asws. He-asws called upon Muhammad Bin Al-Hanafiyya and said: ‘O my-asws son, walk towards this flag with a slow walk until your spear heads are close to piercing their chests.’ Ali-asws prepared them. Muhammad and the others pierced the enemy’s chests with spears, killing most of them.[30]

The Battle Ends

When the army of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws was about to reach the camp of Muawiya, Muawiya’s army brought holy Quran on the heads of the spears and asked for settlement on the Book of Allah-azwj and pleaded for ceasefire, based on the advice of Amro Bin Al-A’as.  So the battle of Siffin was stopped in the favour of negotiation, without producing any result.

Lesson 14: The Battle of Nahrawan

The hypocrites (called Kharaji), who fought in the battle of Siffeen, rose against Amir-ul-Momieen-asws at a place called ‘Nahrawan’. Amir-ul-Momineen-asws addressed them:

I-asws am warning you that you will be killed here and that you have no excuse before Allah-azwj nor any authority. You have come out of your houses and now Divine ruling will trap you. I had advised you against this but you rejected my advice. Your heads are devoid of intelligence. Allah’s woe be to you! I have not put you in any misfortune nor wished you harm.[31]

The Kharajis were all killed in the battle except for few- among them was Abu Rehman ibn Muljim-la, who later took part in the assassination of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws in the Masjid of Kufa.

Lesson 15: The Shahadat of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws

The narrator of the Hadith says:

‘I said to Al-Reza-asws, ‘Amir-ul-Momineen-asws recognised his-asws murderer on the night on which he-asws was murdered and he-asws  knew the place in which he-asws was to be assassinated. And when he-asws heard the sounds of the geese in the house he-asws said: ‘Their sounds will soon be followed by crying’. And the words of Umm Kulsoom (mother of Kulsoom) were, ‘If only you-asws could pray at home tonight and order someone else to pray with the people’. But Amir-ul-Momineen-asws refused and he-asws frequently entered and exited their home without a weapon, whilst knowing that Ibn Muljim-la would murder him-asws with a sword.’ I asked Imam Ali Reza-asws why Amir-ul-Momineen-asws  let this happen and Imam Ali Reza-asws replied: ‘(It was meant to be) in that night that the Ordained matter from Allah-azwj was to be fulfilled’.[32]

Amir-ul-Momineen-asws said that Rasool Allah-saww has informed me-asws: The martyrdom is approaching you-asws, your-asws beard will be dyed from blood from your-asws head. Your-asws murderer will be the most ruthless there is.[33]

Imam Abu Abd Allah-asws (our 6th Imam-asws) once asked me: Would you like to see the shirt of Amir-ul-Momineen-asws in which he-asws sustained his-asws injury? I replied, yes (please) I would like to see it.  The Imam-asws asked for it and it was brought (to him-asws) in a basket.  The Imam-asws spread it out; it was a shirt made of cotton and from the spot for its pocket down to the ground there was a white blood mark like the strike of a sword.  The Imam-asws said:  This is the shirt of Ali-asws in which he-asws was mortally wounded and these are traces of his-asws blood.[34]

We stop here and recommend for pupils to further read about the:

Appointment of Imam Hassan-asws

Martyrdom of Imam Hassan-asws

Appointment of Imam Hussain-asws

Karbala and Beyond

Detailed accounts of Imam Ali-asws Ibn Hussain-asws to the twelfth Imam-asws.

Our responsibilities during the ‘Ghaibah (occultation of twelfth Imam-asws).

[1] Two big idols which were worshiped by the infidels at that time

[2] Al-Kafi, Vol. 8, H. 14951

[3] Kitab Sulaym Ibn Qais Hilali, H. 14.

[4] Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn – CH 48 H 4

[5] See for example Uyun Akhbar al-Raza, vol. 2, Ch. 45, H. 2. (page 436 English)

[6] تفسير القمّي 2: 316

[7] Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askariasws – H 329

[8] Al-Kafi, Vol. 4, Ch. Hajj of Rasool Allah, h, 1.

[9] Al-Kafi, Vol. 4, Ch. Hajj of Rasool Allah, h, 3.

[10] تفسير العيّاشي 1: 293/ 21

[11] Kitab Suleym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 25 (Extract)

[12] (مجمع البيان 10: 529.)

[13] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 14


[14] Sulaym ibn Qais Hilali, Hadith no. 42

[15] المناقب 2: 236.

[16] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 3

[17] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 4

[18] He was freed by the Messenger of Allahsaww after the conquest of Mecca.

[19] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 4

[20] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 10

[21] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 11.

[22] Pledging alligance

[23] See for example, Nahjul Balagha

[24] تفسير القمّي 2: 210.

[25] The first and second Muslim caliphs

[26] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 22

[27] Kitab Sulaym Ibn Qais Halali, H. 53.

[28] Kitab Sulaym Ibn Qais Halali, H. 59.

[29] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 34

[30] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 35

[31] Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 36.

[32] Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn – CH 31 H 119

[33] Kitab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali H. 67

[34] Al-Kafi, Vol. 6, H. 12185.

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